Source code for pgimp.GimpScriptRunner

# Copyright 2018 Mathias Burger <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

import json
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import time
from glob import glob
from json import JSONDecodeError
from typing import Dict, Union

import pgimp
from pgimp.GimpException import GimpException
from pgimp.util import file
from pgimp.util.TempFile import TempFile
from pgimp.util.file import read

if pgimp.execute_scripts_with_process_check:
    import psutil

EXECUTABLE_XVFB = 'xvfb-run'
FLAG_AUTO_SERVERNUM = '--auto-servernum'

FLAG_PYTHON_INTERPRETER = '--batch-interpreter=python-fu-eval'



JsonType = Union[None, bool, int, float, str, list, dict]

[docs]class GimpNotInstalledException(GimpException): """ Indicates that gimp needs to be installed on the system in order for the software to work. """
[docs]class GimpScriptException(GimpException): """ Indicates a general error that occurred while trying to execute the script. """
[docs]class GimpScriptExecutionTimeoutException(GimpException): """ Thrown when the script execution time exceeds the specified timeout. """
[docs]class GimpUnsupportedOSException(GimpException): """ Indicates that your operating system is not supported. """
def is_linux(): return sys.platform in ['linux', 'linux2'] def is_mac_os(): return sys.platform == 'darwin' def path_to_gimp_executable(): global EXECUTABLE_GIMP_PATH if EXECUTABLE_GIMP_PATH is not None: return EXECUTABLE_GIMP_PATH if is_linux() or is_mac_os(): EXECUTABLE_GIMP_PATH = shutil.which(EXECUTABLE_GIMP) else: raise GimpUnsupportedOSException('Your operating system "{:s}" is not supported.'.format(sys.platform)) if is_mac_os(): locations = [ '/Applications/GIMP*.app/Contents/MacOS/gimp', '/Applications/Gimp*.app/Contents/MacOS/gimp', '~/Applications/GIMP*.app/Contents/MacOS/gimp', '~/Applications/Gimp*.app/Contents/MacOS/gimp', ] for location in locations: location = glob(location) if location: EXECUTABLE_GIMP_PATH = location[0] return EXECUTABLE_GIMP_PATH def is_gimp_present(): return path_to_gimp_executable() is not None def path_to_xvfb_run(): return shutil.which(EXECUTABLE_XVFB) def is_xvfb_present(): return path_to_xvfb_run() is not None def python2_pythonpath(): global PYTHON2_PYTHONPATH if PYTHON2_PYTHONPATH is None: python = shutil.which('python2') if python is None: raise GimpScriptException('Could not find a python2 installation.') proc = subprocess.Popen( [python], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate( 'import sys; print(":".join(set([p for p in sys.path if "site-packages" in p or "dist-packages" in p])));'.encode(), timeout=5 ) if stderr.decode() != '': raise GimpScriptException('Could not determine python2 site-packages location.') PYTHON2_PYTHONPATH = stdout.decode().rstrip('\n') return PYTHON2_PYTHONPATH
[docs]class GimpScriptRunner: """ Executes python2 scripts within gimp's python interpreter and is used to create higher-level functionality and abstractions that can be used in python3. When the virtual framebuffer xvfb is installed, it will be automatically used and no other windowing system is required. This is important for batch jobs on machines that do not provide a graphical user interface. Example: >>> from pgimp.GimpScriptRunner import GimpScriptRunner >>> GimpScriptRunner().execute('print("Hello from within gimp")') 'Hello from within gimp\\n' """ def __init__(self, environment: Dict[str, str] = None, working_directory=os.getcwd()) -> None: super().__init__() self._gimp_process = None self._environment = environment or {} self._working_directory = working_directory self._file_to_execute = None
[docs] def execute_file( self, file: str, *, parameters: dict = None, timeout_in_seconds: float = None, ) -> Union[str, None]: """ Execute a script from a file within gimp's python interpreter. Example: >>> from pgimp.GimpScriptRunner import GimpScriptRunner >>> from pgimp.util.file import relative_to >>> GimpScriptRunner().execute_file(relative_to(__file__, 'test-resources/')) 'Hello from within gimp\\n' See also :py:meth:`~pgimp.GimpScriptRunner.GimpScriptRunner.execute`. """ self._file_to_execute = file parameters = parameters or {} try: result = self.execute( 'from pgimp.gimp.parameter import get_parameter;' 'exec(open(get_parameter("__script_file__")).read(), globals())', {**parameters, '__script_file__': file}, timeout_in_seconds, ) return result finally: self._file_to_execute = None
[docs] def execute_and_parse_json( self, string: str, parameters: dict = None, timeout_in_seconds: float = None, ) -> JsonType: """ Execute a given piece of code within gimp's python interpreter and decode the result to json. Example: >>> from pgimp.GimpScriptRunner import GimpScriptRunner >>> GimpScriptRunner().execute_and_parse_json( ... 'from pgimp.gimp.parameter import return_json; return_json({"a": "b", "c": [1, 2]})' ... )['c'] [1, 2] See also :py:meth:`~pgimp.GimpScriptRunner.GimpScriptRunner.execute`. """ result = self.execute( string, parameters=parameters, timeout_in_seconds=timeout_in_seconds, ) return self._parse(result)
[docs] def execute_and_parse_bool( self, string: str, parameters: dict = None, timeout_in_seconds: float = None, ) -> bool: """ Execute a given piece of code within gimp's python interpreter and decode the result to bool. Example: >>> from pgimp.GimpScriptRunner import GimpScriptRunner >>> GimpScriptRunner().execute_and_parse_bool( ... 'from pgimp.gimp.parameter import return_bool; return_bool("truthy")' ... ) True See also :py:meth:`~pgimp.GimpScriptRunner.GimpScriptRunner.execute`. """ result = self.execute( string, parameters=parameters, timeout_in_seconds=timeout_in_seconds, ) return self._parse(result)
[docs] def execute_binary( self, string: str, parameters: dict = None, timeout_in_seconds: float = None, ) -> bytes: """ Execute a given piece of code within gimp's python interpreter and decode the result to bytes. Example: >>> import numpy as np >>> from pgimp.GimpScriptRunner import GimpScriptRunner >>> print( ... np.frombuffer( ... GimpScriptRunner().execute_binary( ... "from pgimp.gimp.parameter import *; import sys; sys.stdout.write(get_bytes('arr'))", ... parameters={"arr": np.array([i for i in range(0, 3)], dtype=np.uint8).tobytes()}), ... dtype=np.uint8 ... ) ... ) [0 1 2] See also :py:meth:`~pgimp.GimpScriptRunner.GimpScriptRunner.execute`. :return: Raw bytes to be decoded to your target type. """ return self._send_to_gimp( string, timeout_in_seconds, binary=True, parameters=parameters, )
[docs] def execute( self, string: str, parameters: Dict[str, Union[bool, int, float, str, bytes, list, tuple, dict]] = None, timeout_in_seconds: float = None, ) -> Union[str, None]: """ Execute a given piece of code within gimp's python interpreter. Example: >>> from pgimp.GimpScriptRunner import GimpScriptRunner >>> GimpScriptRunner().execute('print("Hello from within gimp")') 'Hello from within gimp\\n' :param string: The code to be executed as string. :param parameters: Parameter names and values. Supported types will be encoded as string, be passed to the script and be decoded there. :param timeout_in_seconds: How long to wait for completion in seconds until a :py:class:`~pgimp.GimpScriptRunner.GimpScriptExecutionTimeoutException` is thrown. :return: The output produced by the script if no output stream is defined. """ return self._send_to_gimp( string, timeout_in_seconds, parameters=parameters, )
def _send_to_gimp( self, code: str, timeout_in_seconds: float = None, binary=False, parameters: dict = None, ) -> Union[str, bytes, None]: if not is_gimp_present(): raise GimpNotInstalledException('A working gimp installation with gimp on the PATH is necessary.') command = [] if is_xvfb_present(): command.append(path_to_xvfb_run()) command.append(FLAG_AUTO_SERVERNUM) # workaround for defunct xvfb-run processes on ubuntu 16.04 command.append(path_to_gimp_executable()) command.extend([ FLAG_NO_INTERFACE, FLAG_NO_DATA, FLAG_NO_FONTS, FLAG_PYTHON_INTERPRETER, FLAG_NON_INTERACTIVE, FLAG_FROM_STDIN ]) gimp_environment = {'__working_directory__': self._working_directory} gimp_environment.update(os.environ.copy()) if 'PYTHONPATH' not in gimp_environment: gimp_environment['__PYTHONPATH__'] = python2_pythonpath() else: gimp_environment['__PYTHONPATH__'] = python2_pythonpath() + ':' + gimp_environment['PYTHONPATH'] gimp_environment.update({k: v for k, v in self._environment.items() if self._environment[k] is not None}) parameters = parameters or {} parameters_parsed = {} for parameter, value in parameters.items(): if isinstance(value, str): parameters_parsed[parameter] = value elif isinstance(value, (bool, int, float, bytes)): parameters_parsed[parameter] = repr(value) elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple, dict)): parameters_parsed[parameter] = json.dumps(value) else: raise GimpScriptException('Cannot interpret parameter type {:s}'.format(type(value).__name__)) gimp_environment.update({k: v for k, v in parameters_parsed.items() if parameters_parsed[k] is not None}) with TempFile('.stdout', 'pgimp') as stdout_file, TempFile('.stderr', 'pgimp') as stderr_file: gimp_environment['__stdout__'] = stdout_file gimp_environment['__stderr__'] = stderr_file gimp_environment['__binary__'] = str(binary) self._gimp_process = subprocess.Popen( command, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=gimp_environment, ) initializer = file.get_content(file.relative_to(__file__, 'gimp/')) + '\n' extend_path = "sys.path.append('{:s}')\n".format(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) quit_gimp = '\npdb.gimp_quit(0)' code = initializer + extend_path + code + quit_gimp if pgimp.execute_scripts_with_process_check: import psutil if is_xvfb_present(): expected_processes = {'xvfb', 'gimp', 'script-fu', 'python'} else: expected_processes = {'script-fu', 'python'} process = psutil.Process( process_children = self._wait_for_child_processes_to_start(process, expected_processes) try: self._gimp_process.communicate(code.encode(), timeout=timeout_in_seconds) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as exception: self._gimp_process.kill() raise GimpScriptExecutionTimeoutException(str(exception) + '\nCode that was executed:\n' + code) finally: if pgimp.execute_scripts_with_process_check: self._kill_non_terminated_processes(process_children) stdout_content = read(stdout_file, 'r' if not binary else 'rb') stderr_content = read(stderr_file, 'r') if stderr_content: error_lines = stderr_content.strip().split('\n') if error_lines[-1].startswith('__GIMP_SCRIPT_ERROR__'): error_string = stderr_content.rsplit('\n', 1)[0] + '\n' if self._file_to_execute: error_string = error_string.replace('File "<string>"', 'File "{:s}"'.format(self._file_to_execute), 1) raise GimpScriptException(error_string) raise GimpScriptException('\n'.join(error_lines)) return stdout_content def _wait_for_child_processes_to_start(self, process, expected_processes): current_time = time.time() process_children = [] children = {} while children != expected_processes: process_children = process.children(recursive=True) children_list = [] for child in process_children: try: children_list.append( if not'python') else 'python' ) except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass # vanishing processes are ok children = {*children_list} time.sleep(0.1) if time.time() - current_time > CHILD_PROCESS_START_TIMEOUT: self._kill_non_terminated_processes(process_children) raise GimpScriptExecutionTimeoutException( 'Child processes ' + ', '.join(expected_processes) + ' were not spawned in time.') return process_children def _kill_non_terminated_processes(self, processes): for process in processes: if process.is_running(): process.kill() def _parse(self, input: str) -> JsonType: try: return json.loads(input) except JSONDecodeError as exc: raise GimpScriptException( 'The following JSON could not be parsed:\n>>>' + input + '<<<\nOriginal decoding error:\n' + str(exc) )